The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

September 19, 2010: Gettin some digits

...that title probably sounds pretty weird, considering I'm married. But for the first time since January, when it happened then, a guy asked me for my number! Awkward...

In January it was this guy who I quite literally ran into on the stairs at BYU-I. He sure was hasty-he said something like "What, a girl bumps into a guy and he doesn't even get her number?" Check the finger, man.

This time I was chatting with this kid I had a crush on in elementary school who'd just gotten back from his mission, when another kid I knew in high school who also just got back from a mission came up. We only talked for like 2 minutes and he had to get to class, which was fine...but then he asked that uncomfortable phrase, "Can I get your number?" I just kinda stood there gaping like a fish...but I didn't know what to do! I didn't want to make him feel like a moron, but I thought if I said "I'm married" he might have been like "...I wasn't trying to ask you out, or anything." Looking back though, why else would you get the opposite sex's number? I guess old friends to keep in contact kind of, but ones that are married? Not so much.

So yeah...I gave it to him! I'm such a weirdo. I felt really uncomfortable for the next twenty minutes, thinking "Did I just do something unfaithful? My heart wasn't in the wrong place, and I'm not attracted to him at all...oi!"
Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and texted the guy and said "Um, I'm married, just so you know." He was a good sport and texted back "That explains the weird look you gave me when I asked for your number!"

So all is well again. I'm not some adulterous hoochie mama, don't worry.

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