The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Video mania

As you noticed (if you like checking on here to see if I've written anything new), I went a stretch without saying much. So here's a ton more of the videos from that time. Most aren't anything special, it just gives you a taste of who my little Jori is. These are the things I want to remember ten years from now.

Little wiggle of Jori's:

Jori having fun with the dryer sheets (you can also tell how I'm SUCH a great homemaker, keeping things spick and span in this one):

So, Sam and I went through our socks and were going to throw away all the ones that had holes in the heel or didn't have a match...but then I realized socks are on of Jori's favorite things. So now all those are in a bag in her room, always ready to be played with:


Just some of the many noises Jori makes:

When Sam was trying to 're-install' the baby...I don't know what they're called, but the things on the cupboards to keep little hands from opening them, Jori wanted to help. She was a good little cheerleader, basically.

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