The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fun with bowel movements

Maybe this post will be gross but that's ok: who knew newborns could make you laugh so much by pooping??

This nice young mother in our ward offered me a little while ago to take infant pictures when Jori arrived, which I was very excited about. She came over on Tuesday to do these, but Jori was not going for it! She did NOT want to sleep (which, I guess, is the way to take infant pics) and did NOT want to be naked. Who knew.

After the poor woman had waited like an hour, I just fed Jori again hoping it'd make her sleepy. It kind of I eased off her diaper...and SQUIRT!!! All over my arm, shirt and the floor Jori left a lovely orange delight. Wahoo! She did it downstairs as well, she left a little trail on the way to the bathroom (where I held her over the sink, then just called for Sam to help me. What do you do in a situation like that?).

This was Jori's best so far, but a few others have come close-she several times has peed, pooped and yesterday even did both! As soon as we get her diaper off; and yesterday she shot poop so far it got on my jeans. I may start judging distance.

Besides these lovely bathroom tales, I suppose I'll post what I've learned over the past week of having a baby at home:

  • My husband is the best-I feel closer with him now than I ever have. Probably-I guess I could have forgotten. But I've been so needy and clingy, particularly earlier on in the week this past week, and he just rises to the occasion and takes care of me and Jori. Sam is an awesome awesome daddy.
  • I was worried about post-partum depression, but really mine hasn't been that bad. It's directly related to sleep for me.
  • When baby's not happy, nobody is happy. None of this 'mama' stuff.
  • My daughter makes really cute faces. A lot. Particularly when pooping. Oops another pooping thing.
  • I've just begun the hardest, most worthwhile challenge of my life. Let's hope I'll rise to the occasion!!
One last note-I am SOOOO grateful that she'll let us put her down to sleep at night now! It's made a world of difference-I have no problem with waking up to feed her, so long as I can sleep in between feedings. And the past two nights she let me get like six hours!! I'm a lucky lady.

The end

P.S. I tried again with the lady to get pictures the next day, and though we didn't get many there were a few taken. I'll attach the one that was sent to me so far:


  1. She is adorable. I love the little pants!

  2. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    this made Dan and I laugh out loud because we remember that all too clearly. Evie would poop as soon as we got her diaper off. Every single time. We finally gave up trying to have a cute cover on her changing pad because she just got it dirty everyday. Newborns are the best.

  3. I just saw your comment about swaddling. Did you get it yet? Just do it really fast and don't worry about hurting her. You won't. Can't wait to see you guys!

  4. She is a cutie Ariel! We are excited to come down some time and meet her. We are moving down by Draper so we will definitely have to see you guys more often.

  5. Haha! I am glad we aren't the only ones! We are learning the diaper messes really quickly too! Just wait until you have a little boy that shoots pee really far too!!

  6. And cute ruffly undies. I want some of those for our little girl!
