The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Children and stuff

I have two of them. They're great. Here's some updates before I forget:

  • Jori was a lion for Halloween, Atto was a bear (same as Jori 2 years ago). I have the cutest children on the planet, I'm pretty sure.

  • We blessed Atticus on November 10th, two days after Sam's birthday. Oh yeah! For his birthday, I got him a BIG 'ol TV. Funny because neither of us ever actually watch TV shows, other than the free ones I get on amazon prime that I show Jori (Super Why, Dinosaur Train come to mind). But he had said it'd be fun to have a big TV at some point for the movies we watch, and so I found a good deal on KSL and badda bing badda boom, we now have a behemoth thing in our living room. It's a little embarrassing, but fun too. 

  • We've learned that Atticus hates garlic like his Grandpa Hatch, or maybe just to the level of his daddy...either way, if mama eats garlic, it ends up in the breast milk and ain't nobody happy four hours later.

  • He also throws up when I eat eggs...I think. I was noticing he'd been throwing up a lot more than Jori did (but trust me, she was a serious spit-up queen so that's saying something), and then I noticed on one of his 'throw up' days I had had eggs that day for breakfast. So I automatically eliminated it could be false but he hasn't really been throwing up since? Hurray! :P 

  • Jori continues to learn and grow. She's so spunky. She put on this headband thing like a Nephite (which is popular anyway these days) and said "I look awesome!" Yesterday.

  • We spent Thanksgiving in Idaho again (because all of Sam's siblings were going to be there and my family doesn't make as big a deal about Thanksgiving, it's more Christmas and New Year's Eve that gets the hoopla). While there, all the kids including Jori were playing downstairs one day, and Jori came upstairs, took her grandpa by the hand and started leading him downstairs. While on the stairs she turned to him and said "They're not being obedient." (Turned out there was an argument going on.) 

  • Atticus is a champion sleeper. He started 'sleeping through the night' at about 2 months, meaning in his case he'd go from about 8 till 5 without eating. Which has been AWESOME for me. (If you don't know, I get up for all feedings during the night since I'm nursing and it takes way too long to pump to be worth it.) He's got a cold currently though so that's been upped a bit, but hopefully once he's over it he'll go back to the long stretches again.

  • Jori says her L's really well. She says 'lovely' like a pro. She called her cousin Briel (born 2 1/2 months before Atticus) lovely when we saw her, over Thanksgiving.

  • Atto is a big boy, at least as of his 2 month appointment. I forget his exact weight...but he was in the 70th percentile for both height and weight. He weighed as much at his 2 month appointment as Briel did at her 4 month. 

  • She's also been saying "Thank you for the delicious *insert meal or food item here*, mama!" Also to daddy, grandma, etc. She said "Thanks for the delicious sweet rolls, papa!" When my dad brought some by tonight. 

  • I think Atticus might be developing a bit of a flat head in the back, so I'm going to take him to our pediatrician soon as they'll let us. If he's going to need a helmet thing I'd rather he get it sooner rather than later, to correct the problem before it gets worse. 

  • Jori's been hating nursery. WHAAAATTT. This is not normal for her. At all. There's more than one nursery though, and they switched her to the one she's currently in like a month and a half ago, so I think I'm going to ask them to switch her back and see if it helps. 

  • I caught the ball for two touchdowns during our Hatch Thanksgiving football game. :) Sam, we think, cracked a rib. Not quite as fun. 
  • I've kind of been down lately...I blame the weather. (It's been odd but the older I get, the more the seasons changing effects my mood.) Just only seeing the negatives: wishing I was better at about a billion things. But I have a few ideas in mind that I'm hoping will help. We'll see.