The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

mushroom soup

So much for my more frequent blogging. This is why my blogs are so long! I have so many things I want to mention, I have to make them long!

My little brother entered the MTC almost a month ago now. It was weird and hard saying good bye to him, but I'm excited at the change I can already see through his letters. He's a great kid-
he's going to be a great missionary. He'll be serving in Cebu, Philippines after his stint in the MTC.

We also got to go to the cabin two weeks ago, for a nice break. My parents, my brother Ike and his family, and my uncle and his family were there along with us. We had a great time-Sam got to go fishing, which he enjoys; we went for a walk down to the pond, which I enjoy; we played horseshoes; Sam played the bagpipes; we played games; watched 'UP'; and generally had a great time. The only hard part was not having Jori's crib! My parents were kind enough to bring up a Pack n' Play we could use, and really Jori did quite well for being away from home-but I still got very little sleep the first night. It made me see the appeal of not really having many vacations for moms of newborns. Anyway...

We WEREN'T planning on our next trip, until three hours before leaving. But we decided to go up to Franklin, Idaho and stay with Sam's parents for the week, so he could work for his dad a bit, with this break in school (he works on campus). We had a lot of fun up there! Sam got to do some landscaping, which he enjoys much more than sitting at a desk doing nothing; I got some reading done and discovered a new hold that Jori likes (I think it's called the football hold? This one's nice because it leaves one hand free-most of the time she requires both hands); we went and got some yummy ice cream at Casper's; and probably the highlight was we went to the
Cache County Fair and Rodeo!! I had no idea I'd have so much fun, seriously. Oh and I wish I had brought like a hundred dollars-they had a few jewelry and clothes booths that I could have spent tons on, let me tell ya!

Now we're back home, preparing for school. Oi. As of right now, it's looking like Sam and I will both be full-time students, and Sam will be working part time as well. It'll be an adventure! We'll be passing off Jori like a frisbee. It's nice both my parents work on campus-they've said they'd both be happy to watch her if we need. I'm nervous, but also the teensiest bit excited: whenever I've seen little families on campus, I love it. :) Now I get to be part of one myself!

1 comment:

  1. I remember how hard it was to get out of the mindset that a vacation meant time away from responsibilities, since the little ones tend to be with you even on vacation. It does get easier once you get in that mindset. I'm jealous you got to go to a rodeo, it's been a little while since we got to go to one, but next year we will be all about them.
