The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

The Hatch Clan: Where Babies Wear White Tuxedos

Friday, June 28, 2013

I'm grateful

When Jori was itty bitty (not that she isn't anymore-4th percentile for height and weight, but still) and she cried a lot lot, I'd need sometimes to sit down and count my blessings. (Here's an example.) I've also seen this poem that I really loved...most of which I've forgotten, but the only line that stuck with me was something like "I'm glad for dirty dishes to remind me I have enough food to eat" or something like that. Certainly a positive spin on things! So. I wanted to do something similar now. Gotta turn this stress furrow into a smile wrinkle!

  • I'm grateful Sam is busy/gone a lot, as much as 12 hours some days of the week, because it's a reminder he's got a job and we have direction in our life again that make the classes he's taking a tool, a means-to-an-end, not an inconvenience. 
  • I'm grateful for feeling tired--it makes me appreciate the nights I do get a good night's sleep.
  • I'm grateful my back hurts a lot, because it's a reminder I have a human being growing inside of me. What a privilege, honestly. I know I'm lucky to have this ability, and to get to become a mother all over again! 
  • I'm grateful to have a lot of belly-shifting going on, because of the same reason and further, it tells me he's healthy and continuing to grow. 
  • I'm grateful to be a mama in school, because how many people experience both at the same time? It's a privilege to get to constantly be peaking into two different worlds, and have such different ways to relate to many people. And for someone who gets restless easily, it's lovely to switch gears constantly. Keeps things interesting, even if it is overwhelming at times. 
  • I'm grateful for when Jori is disobedient/tantrum-ing, because it makes me recognize how much of the time she isn't. What a relief! 
  • I'm grateful to have this last mountain to climb. 1/4 of one class and 1 full class left, before the July 26 deadline. If I'm still aiming for graduating in August. It's (at this point) about equivalent to being a full-time student, just cause I figure a regular semester is around 15 weeks long, and a full time student takes 15 credits--I'll have about 3 weeks to complete the 3 credits remaining. But this will make me both extremely grateful to be done with school, and also already makes me grateful I've had education so easily accessible. It may be stressful but I know I'm lucky to have so much information, so much potential knowledge, right at my fingertips. 
  • I'm grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because really...what else matters? Lots matters's almost like, life is a bunch of assignments, but you don't even know what the point is or what the class is called without a gospel perspective. The church gives me the context for everything. It can count as a 'course outline.' That's not an adequate thing to say about the most important thing in life but it's the first thing that came to my mind, right at this let's go with it. 

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